dinsdag 23 april 2013

Spring is in the air

With Mika in my arms I am looking back on 7 months of Cornish Rex companionship. Seven months of climbing curtains, being in the middle of the kitten race track, rewinding toilet roles, having little cuddly warm kitties in your arms looking at you with lots of love.

Maybe it is time for some lessons learned: A manual for fresh Cornish Rex owners, all the things I did that you can skip? First and most important, do not buy new curtains before you get the kittens. By now I just think I will buy new ones when their brains are delivered, probably when they turn 15, but the first month…. Mika was in the house for a whole 4 hours before she reached the top of the curtains the first time.

Secondly, every Cornish Rex is delivered with a bottomless stomach. Mine eat anything and preferably in extremely large quantities (I really mean anything), so at the age of 10 months mine are already dieting. Which I can assure you does not happen without lots of opposition. If you want any change to be able to eat your own dinner and not having to share it or even completely give it up? Be strict, in spite of the hungry eyes, the cats that torpedo on your plate, the food that is hit of your fork.

Thirdly, if any of your cats has taken up music as a hobby, I am thinking about drumming on the bedroom door or singing in front of this same door, I have three tips: Ignore, Ignore and Ignore some more. I have tried punishment, pleading to Senna (my midnight drummer), even a midnight shower (for Senna not me). However, since negative attention is also attention this was clearly not the solution. Now, after putting sound isolation on my bedroom door and using ear plugs, and further ignoring any sound Senna has decided that drumming is not really his thing.

Yes, I think those are some of the most important lessons that I have learned in my 7 months of Cornish Rex. Oh, and just for your reassurance if you think that at the age of almost one year these kitties get a bit more mature, a bit more quiet­? Spring has not only started outside, but also inside the heads of my two friends. They now cruise around the apartment with fresh energy looking for lots of new challenges. 

woensdag 13 maart 2013

Senna, who are you?

What to say about Senna? He is sweet, he is elegant, he is cuddly, he is a big thinker, he is a big destroyer. This immediately shows the difficulties of defining this beautiful guy. He changes with the hours of the day. Maybe it is best if I describe to you an average day with Senna.

As residential walking alarm clock Senna each morning wakes me up by banging on my bedroom door and screaming. As soon as I open the door he is there with lots of drama, lots of  hugging and lets not forget his foot fetish. He is just spilling over with love. After finishing his morning hugs, breakfast (very important) and some serious sister chasing it is time for the more important things in life: watching birds and contemplating the problems of the world. Any day now I expect Senna to come up with a solution for the economical crises, global warming and an update of Einstein’s relativity theory.

Next some more eating and more contemplating until I come home and then it is time to take care of the continuation of the food supply. First of course his own and if that is satisfied he will help me: walk in front of my feet, comment to every ingredient of my dinner, ask if it is really not for him. During dinner he takes care that noting will happen to my food, he guards the table and torpedo’s from great height onto my plate just to do an extra check. After so much food it is time for some exercise and Senna’s favourite exercises are chasing his sister and climbing curtains (yes, an other one). He can run with the speed of light and his lap times are close to these of the other Senna.
And then suddenly he is in my arms again, running over with love, purring, kneading with his long legs, and washing my face. Senna my beautiful, elegant, fast friend who are you? Speed maniac, professional climber, professor or drag queen?

vrijdag 1 maart 2013

Catzilla is in the house

What will I find when I get home? Will it be my little Mikacu? She is small, she is cute and she completely wins you over in 10 seconds. She loves to cuddle up in your arms, puts her little claws softly on your face to lick your nose and is purring in your ear that she loves you….

Or will it be Catzilla today? She looks like Mika but she is all claws, races around the apartment and climbs up the curtains. And I am not exaggerating when I say  I am not the only one who holds back when Catzilla is there. Both Senna and me are creeping around the house, trying not to make any sudden moves or we are jumped by the cat lady.

Luckily most of the time Senna and me share the house with Mika: a cute, clever Cornish Rex lady with some strange habits. One of them is her passion for fishing. I keep telling her that the wale hunt is banned and that she does not have a fishing permit, but she keeps on going. Also her eating habits need improvement; last week it was six tulips in three days, then I gave in and took away the flowers. I explained it was not a salad bar, but did she listen? Nope. And last but not least what is this thing with toilet roles? Where ever you put them, and I prefer somewhere close to the toilet, she will steel them, unrolls them and then starts shredding.

So as you understand she is indispensible. O, I just got a message from Senna; whenever you want you can pick up Catzilla free of charge…….

woensdag 27 februari 2013

I'have been Cornish Rexed

For five months now I have been the proud owner of two Cornish Rex kittens. No, that is not right, it should be for five months now I am proudly owned by two Cornish Rex. Mika and Senna entered my live a few months after my dear European short hair Purri went to kitty heaven after 16 years of loyal and peaceful service.

After Senna and his sister Mika entered the house peaceful has left the building. I have started this blog to share with you the adventures of my big eared, fast running but very friendly cats.

Of course I should have know that giving your kittens the names of formula 1 drivers (Ayrton Senna and Mika Hakkinen) was asking for trouble. When the daily racing time starts my apartment is a mix of chicanes, hairpins and straights that have to be run in a new speed record.

Mika’s attitude in life is I am small, I am cute so I am allowed to do anything I want. She is an expert in unwinding toilet roles, fishing, moving all kind of objects, and cuddling. Senna is more philosophically, he takes his time to think about the challenges in life, loves to cuddle, is a big food addict, loves to run and jump, and last but certainly not least hit his sister.